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I’m back to rambling

Whew it’s been a ride! A beautiful bounty ride and like all long rides, riddled with fatigue at the end of the journey. Atleast this journey for now and I am happy to just be in bed typing this on a Thursday instead of worrying about what I need to do, which tasks to complete…

DEMENTIA is more than just memory loss.

When we talk about a dementia diagnosis, the first thing that usually comes to mind is loss of memory and for the longest time I believed that was the most important aspect of it until dealing with someone with the disease first hand. It made me realize why in African villages, some people burn old…


Dreams. According to Google they are a series of images, thoughts or sensation that appear in a person’s mind when they sleep. Or when they are awake. I hardly ever dream when I’m asleep but boy do I spend my days dreaming. In fact I day dream so much that my brain doesn’t know how…

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