Life lately!

Poloko Carol Mokoai, 2024 [Photograph] (Private collection of Poloko)

As promised, back to deliver what I have been up to. Well for the past two weeks I have been in my rest mode and it’s been the best feeling ever. No stress and no worries. As someone who is not used to not worrying about anything, this is unfamiliar territory for me. I am someone that worries about not being worried so I must say I’m glad to experience how it feels to not have my mind full of clutter. Just focused on existing in the present while looking forward to what will come next, even when I don’t know what the next entails.

Even though I have been lazing around, I am glad that I am back to walking in the mornings as part of exercising. Funny how I enjoy exercising now, anyone that knows me that it’s what I hate most. My friend, Pumela would suggest going on walks on nights we would be up studying and even though I would sometimes agree, I would complain from the moment we left res until we got back. Funny how times have changed. I must admit though that my decision to take care of my physical health more was not made with free will, it was under duress yet the best decision ever.

This morning while walking, I got to dance and was just so grateful to be exist in that moment. I used to go to the gym but nothing beats walking in the garden at 6 AM with the morning sun out getting some vitamin D. Getting some sun helps with the release of endorphins which is a feel good hormone hence some people in very cold areas tend to have seasonal affective disorder and sunlight exposure can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Now couple exposure to vitamin D and some exercise, I was on a high.

Anyway, Thursdays have always been my favorite day of the week hence I chose Thursdays to post on my blog, I began it on a Thursday too. I was born on a Thursday and now I have Bible study on Thursday too on instagram live with ausi Rorisang with the Jesus This and Jesus That community so Thursday continues to be my ultimate favorite day. We also have really good breakfast at my hostel on Thursdays which is my favorite: some buns, soup and cheese. With coffee!! 

A lot has happened since I got to India including having my first holiday ever. It’s not that I never had breaks but they were always so short. I spent my summer holiday doing my internship at KIMS hospital in the psychiatric department and my December holiday on my literature review for my dissertation. The other day on Facebook some people were complaining about the literature review part of research but for me it was the best part. I did get to travel to Kolkata though for a week, a beautiful city with so many tourist spots and had the best time of my life.

Poloko Carol Mokoai, 2023. [Photograph] ( From  Poloko private collection)

We had a beautiful farewell at my department too and I got to wear a saree for the first time picture posted at the beginning of the blog,  it is a bit of a struggle to walk in but the pictures were worth it. My time in India has been great. There has been some growth and development in my life and in my career. I have learned so much about the field of psychology and looking forward to delve deeper. I found love with an incredible guy which has been a beautiful experience for me and I pray it continues to be so. The reason I had been writing a very cringe corny ass story about us which will never see daylight to keep myself from going crazy with my busy schedule. Currently, I am waiting for my official graduation and my move back home for some time before my next move.

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