What makes a woman?

Is it the way she smiles? Her lips parted to reveal her crooked teeth and further deepening her dimples. She has a beautiful smile even though it is in contrast to the mainstream media’s definition of perfect a smile which involves straight pearly teeth.

Is it the way she speaks? Her words holding nothing but kindness and encouragement. The way she bites her tongue when she has something harsh that threatens to escape if she dares to let the tongue go? How she keeps her calm during a storm?

What makes a woman is so much more than what is above mentioned and truthful a blog post is not enough, to sum up, her being. She is a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mother and most importantly she is whatever the hell she wants to be in this world.

Trying to explain what makes a woman is synonymous with finding a needle in a haystack. What makes me feel like a woman will not make the next one feel like a woman and that does not take away from either of them.

The success of women can also not be measured on the same scale because before being a woman she is a human being with a vast of opportunities of what success should look like. She is everything she embraces but she is also the parts that she was taught to despise.

So on this women’s day, my wish is that all the women across the world in all their varying shades and shapes stand boldly in who they are. To chase their dreams relentlessly and to hold out their hands to lift other women. To know that it is okay to not be okay and that choosing oneself is not an act of selfishness but rather an act of love.

Last but not least to remember that in Beyoncé’s words: They Run The World!!!

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